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Introduction To Soundfonts

What Are SoundFonts And SF2 Files, And How Do I Use Them?


SoundFonts, a.k.a. SF2 files, are very much like mp3 audio files that we've been listening to for a few decades now. But SF2 files pack more musical abilities than just playing back an mp3 (or iTunes .AIFF) song.


SF2 files contain audio recordings of instruments like piano, drums or synth sounds, but are arranged to be played at different pitches and tones to be used musically.


SF2 files can have Loops to the sounds... so a 1 second sound can loop and loop, allowing the sound to last for 6 or 7 seconds or more. SF2 Instruments can also use multiple sounds in one SF2 Instrument- kind of like a guitar using 6 different strings because one string isn't enough to do the job.  


Many of our SF2 files use 3 to 6 different sounds together in an instrument, so it takes great care in arranging these sounds to work together and sound great. A few of our SF2 files use 10 or more different sound waves, due to changes in how hard a note plays, or the key-range it plays in on a keyboard/drum machine.


Our UltraDX EP uses 24 wave sounds to make the Instrument!  Check out the example:  




Just like mp3 files and other digital audio, SF2 files require a special Player.

For SF2 files, a Soundfont Player is required. The SF Player is then used as a track (or tracks) in digital sequencer programs like Cubase, Digital Performer, Abelton, or any other music software that can play SF2 sounds.


ProSoundfonts currently sells 9 SF2 Banks, soon to be 11. Each Bank contain Instruments- usually 4 to 8 different Instruments that you can load individually, depending on what instrument is actually needed at that time. 


Our SF2 Banks work differently than many others. The old way is to put all Instruments in one large, loadable bank. That forces you to possibly load an entire 64MB (or more) Bank, when you might only need to use one 2MB Instrument for your song. We provide the individual Instruments in folders, so you can pick and choose which sounds to load and work with for each song or audio project. Simple, right?


How Do I Order These SF2 Sounds?


Step 1:

Just go to our Product Page and select which SF2 Bank to start with. Even before purchasing these sounds, you can listen to audio examples on our mp3Examples page.


All of the Instrument Banks have mp3 (audio) examples, along with documentation of which SF2 Instruments were used in those tracks. 


Step 2:

Then just click PayPal button to order with your Visa/MasterCard or PayPal account. 


Step 3:

Upon payment completion with PayPal, you will quickly be sent a link to the SF2  Instruments you just ordered. Copy these SF2 files (instruments) to a folder where you can easily find and load from your SF2 Player.


There is no Step 4...  just play and enjoy now!


Go back to Step 1 to Order/Use more of our Soundfonts.






You may not need all of these SF2 Banks of sounds. It really depends on your current needs, and what sounds you are missing in your audio projects.


For example, an R&B keyboard player may not have much use for the FX or Airy Banks, but would probably use the El. Pianos and Synths Banks every day.  An audio/video artist could easily use the Synth FX and Airy Synths sounds in video and film projects.


These are all Pro sounds. Once you start using our sounds, expect to get more projects. And remember to come back to for more (and newer) sounds.


All web links on this website are safe and secure. They are either Google, Wix, PayPal, or ProSoundfonts links. We don't use any other 3rd party or unsecured links, for your safety and ours.

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